日本語ベラベラPnaは、ベテランPna。 したたかさは、ヤマトなでしこ演じて??? Dear C○○○○. I got to know the very delightful fact last night. And I have to apologize to you. We have still passed only half a year after meeting first. And we only shared the time restricted. What I know is the beautiful lady called May. What you know is the drunkard called LOLO. You do not know S○○○ S○○○. And I do not know C○○○ B○○○. When there is also no money with which you buy food there is no way for which I know that. I had only trusted your words. It got to know that your words were facts last night. I appreciate that you did not tell me a lie. I apologize for having not trusted you completely. m(。_。)m I'm sorry.
>>17それって、翻訳したヤツ?でしょ。 おかしいなぁ?と思った、似たようLetterもらったぞい。 休みで、捜したら。あったぞい。 I way not know if you are hurt , I may not know if you are sad. I way not know if you are confused , but something I hope you know I am hare wred you need me most evla vyll, (ここら辺字汚くて、スペルわかんね〜) grace
dear 0000 Merry Christmas take care こいつ、みんなに出してるんじゃん。 ≪特別な人、アコのこころに永久に留まりたい!≫なんて、ソクソクのたんびに 言ってた、 ≪オヤジ、ムナクソ悪くなるオヤジいるの、若いアコ大好き≫ でも、アコもわかいPnaの方が、だい〜すき。で、乗り換えたんだけど。 いいたまだぜ。 あっちの方は、子供いるらしいし、ダンナもいるみたいで、ガバガバヨ。 きっと、もう最終だから、J男見つけて、いるんじゃない? ムナクソ悪いオヤジ、しっかかりそう!って、言ってから。